LCS Hockey: Born Again
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lcs classic
March 29, 2025
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Dave Dameshek
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The Ed
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LCS Hockey's Official Radio Show.


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People like us...really. Over the years, LCS Hockey has been given various awards and praise. We're still waiting for an Oscar, but I'm sure it's just lost in the mail... Check out the props:

Yahoo Award
One of only two hockey Sites to garner the prestigious Sunglasses award. It means we're really cool.

"The Best" of the Net
Yahoo! Internet Life named LCS Hockey "The Best" hockey site on the web. In fact, we were the only site to receive four/four stars. Here is some of what they had to say, "LCS Guide to Hockey demonstrates why the adjective "rabid" often precedes the words "hockey fan". This site shoots...and scores!"
-- Yahoo! Internet Life, May 1997

The New Face Of Independent Journalism
"Speaking of play, sports fans are not without their own non-corporate Internet-based news resources. LCS Guide To Hockey for instance, provides in-depth hockey coverage that easily rivals anything to be found on ESPN SportsZone or CNNSI."
-- Online Journalism Review, Feb. 17, 1998.

4. LCS: Guide to Hockey
LCS Hockey was ranked No. 4 in the Vancouver Sun's 1996 list of Top 10 Sites: "Yes, the NHL does have its own flashy rock-solid site, but for entertaining, independent hockey coverage this long-lived (in Net terms) Canadian presence is still number one. A marvelous example of why the Web should never become just a collection of official voices."
-- Vancouver Sun, 1996's Top 10 Sites, December 1996.

Stick Around
"If you want in-depth coverage of the National Hockey League, know that the puck stops here. LCS: Guide to Hockey, a weekly online-only publication, skates circles around most sports resources."
-- NetGuide Magazine, October, 1996.
We have no idea who this guy is, but we like his style. Here's what he had to say about LCS Hockey: "used to be the best hockey site around, but they became disillusioned and/or drunk, and now they're looking for a place to house their archives." Sweet. We knew those years of heavy drinking would pay off eventually...

Other Reviews...

Atlanta Constitution, October 19, 1996.

Buffalo News, October 12, 1996
"The Internet Guys" by Jim Gerland and Mark Winer

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 27, 1996
"Greensburg Guys Make Hockey Fun on Internet" by Mike Palm

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, March 24, 1996

Pittsburgh Penguins Game Program, March 1996
"Getting your hockey fix on the World Wide Web" by Mike Dudurich

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 27, 1995
"Cybersports" by Jeff Gordon

Point Communications
Rated in the TOP 5% of all Web Sites
Content Score: 44/50
Review Excerpt: "For breadth and quality of NHL coverage, LCS Guide to Hockey is well into a power play."

McKinley's Internet Directory
Rating: 4-Star site
Score: 28/30
Review: "LCS Guide to Hockey is not only a sure bookmark for hockey fans, it's a Net pioneer."

LCS Hockey: Born Again
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