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  The NHL in Japan: It blows
by Jim Iovino, Ace Reporter

Yee-haw. The NHL was a success in Japan. Isn't that wonderful news?

On second thought, does anyone in North America really care?

I'd rather see the league take an interest in the teams already in the league, especially those that are struggling to make ends meet, than give a couple little charity games to another country. The Japanese are pleased with watching two NHL games.that's great. But what about the true hockey fans across North America, like those in Quebec City, Winnipeg, Hartford and Minneapolis who had teams taken away from them? All they're getting out of this is more bad feelings toward the league.

What did Japan do to deserve NHL games? More importantly, what did the people of Winnipeg and Quebec City do to deserve the loss of their beloved franchises?

The NHL has got to stop looking too far ahead in its quest for world domination and take a hard look at the trail of wrecked franchises and broken hearts they are leaving in their wake. Cities with no ice, let alone no hockey histories, are getting franchises, while those people who truly love the game are being left out in the cold. The NHL would rather have to explain every rule of the game from icing to cross-checking to a novice audience than cater to those who have supported the game for over 75 years. That isn't the way to say thanks. I think it's more of a slap in the face. "Hey, we already got your money, step aside so we can get someone else's."

The average hockey fan is being pushed aside for the corporate giants who spend thousands upon thousands of dollars for seats, yet wind up never going to any of the games. Or if they do go to the game, they get to the arena halfway through the first period and leave with five minutes left in the third. With the game still tied.

Oh, by the way, how far will the NHL go before they realize fans won't care enough anymore to shell out 50 or 60 bucks to see the Ed Wards and Igor Korolevs of the league stumble over each other for 60 minutes?

Don't get me wrong, I love the game of hockey. But the game of hockey I'm used to watching is falling by the wayside. More and more people are getting a bitter feeling toward the NHL. From the relocation of franchises, to the addition of more and more franchises, to the watering down of talent, to the incredible cost of tickets, the NHL is getting a bad name.

I know I'm getting sick of some of the stunts the league has pulled lately. The expansion to 30 teams by the year 2000 is a crock. There's no way league officials can tell me the talent level won't be dismal by that time. I'm sure a lot of other people think the same way, but yet their voices aren't being heard due to the corporate weasels who are filling the league's coffers with tons of cash just to get their products recognized as "official sponsors" of the NHL.

As long as the league's making money, it must be a success, right? Think again, Mr. Bettman. The NHL, as is, sucks. And it's only going to get worse with expansion. The league can't buy talent.

Maybe the NHL has the right idea about playing games in foreign lands like Japan. If enough people in North America get pissed off at the league, they better start looking for a new home. Perhaps they already are.

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