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  Dallas Stars

head coach: Kevin Hitchcock

roster: C-Mike Modano, Guy Carbonneau, Joe Nieuwendyk, Bob Bassen. LW-Dave Reid, Greg Adams, Benoit Hogue, Juha Lind, Bob Errey, Patrick Cote. RW-Todd Harvey, Pat Verbeek, Jamie Langenbrunner, Jere Lehtinen, Grant Marshall. D-Craig Ludwig, Darryl Sydor, Shawn Chambers, Richard Matvichuck, Sergei Zubov, Sergey Gusev, Dan Keczmer, Craig Muni. G-Ed Belfour, Roman Turek.

injuries: Shawn Chambers, d (fractured bone in hand, 2-4 weeks). Sergei Zubov, d (hand injury of unknown severity)

transactions: Signed Craig Muni, d, to a one-year contract; signed Mike Modano, c, to a one-year contract; placed Shawn Chambers, d, on injured reserve; reassigned Brad Lukowich, d, Petr Buzek, d, Manny Fernandez, g, Peter Douris, rw, Chris Tancill, rw, Jeff Mitchell, rw Tony Hrkac, c, Jon Sim, c, Lee Jinman, c, Kevin Sawyer, lw and Jamie Wright, lw, to the Michigan K-Wings of the IHL.


GP   W   L   T   PTS   GF   GA   HOME      ROAD
 2   0   1   1     1    3    4  0-1-0     0-0-1

game results:

10/1 at Colorado  T 2-2(OT)
10/4 St. Louis    L 2-1

team news:

by Jim Panenka, Dallas Correspondent

OK, so what tag line do we want to use to kickoff the big show?

"Here's the story, of a lovely lady.." Nope. Doesn't fit.

"Sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip." No way. Too predictable.

"Now here's the story of a man named Jed- a poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed." Ah, now that's getting closer.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Wait! That's it. Yeah, we have a winner.

Besides, what could be a better testament to the warm feeling a good bottle of Ripple can provide, and that awful feeling you get after the last drop has been poured?

But, I digress.

Best of Times

For the second consecutive year, Dallas was one of the most aggressive clubs when it came to signing free agents. Owner Tom Hicks has opened up his wallet more often than most of us dream of selling all of our worldly possessions and going on a world-wide goodwill tour in search of the elusive Badaboum, LCS' favorite team mascot.

Well, it's a popular dream around HERE, Sancho!

No, but really -- Tom Hicks has provided the catalyst for GM Bob Gainey to seal all the deals le Capitaine can think of. And Gainey has definitely come up with some good ones. Gainey can once again be thanked for making some of the shrewdest moves in the league when it comes to getting the most bang for the buck.

The biggest news definitely came in July when Eddie the Eagle signed a three-year contract. Although everyone felt pretty weird about letting Andy Moog go unprotected, it was obvious that for whatever reasons, the Stars felt they needed a change between the pipes.

Moog was the solid, steady, reliable workhorse for the current Stars franchise since the beginning. And, he was always one of the most vocal and positive forces for sustaining a winning atmosphere. Make no doubt about it, fellow hockey fans -- Andy Moog was one of the main reasons Dallas won the central division last season.

But, when the playoffs ended a bit too early for everyone's liking, talk quickly shifted to an upgrade in the nets. Moog left on bittersweet terms. The Stars told Moog, in essence, "you can't play here as the starter anymore, but as soon as you retire, we welcome you back for another job in the franchise."

Gee, thanks, guys. That's just swell of ya.

So, Andy went to Montreal. And, that lovable Latvian Arturs Irbe was not offered another contract. So, he ended up with Vancouver. Instead, one of today's greatest players to ever stop a puck now wears a Star on his jersey.

There is no denying that Ed Belfour signed with Dallas for only one reason: the tasty, puffy, fresh popcorn available in the press box before each and every game!

Or was that to win a Stanley Cup? It's so easy to confuse the two.

Yep. Eddie wants the Big Hardware. The Ultimate Prize. The all- time, number-one favorite way to swig you some bubbly after a long day at the office.

Belfour has yet to hoist the Cup, and he is pretty sure this team can play in front of him well enough to get him there.

And, no one denies that after taking the Blackhawks to the playoffs every season from '89-'90 to '95-'96, the Eagle can probably get the job done.

To back up Belfour, the Stars retained the promising upstart Roman Turek. That Big Ol' Bear of a netminder can go on some serious hot streaks. But, the general consensus is Roman is still a work in progress. He can also have some pretty awful games.

But, the same holds true for Belfour. The Stars are just counting on Eddie to have a lot fewer bad games than the Big Czech.

Up to the D, you see

Just when you thought it was safe to sell all your possessions and go on a world-wide goodwill tour, the Stars upgraded their defense by adding the proven talent of Shawn Chambers. Actually, Chambers was originally drafted by the Minnesota North Stars in '87, and spent four seasons with the club. So, like this team has done in the past, the Stars brought back a familiar face.

Chambers will add a big boost to the mobility of the defense, along with Sydor and Zubov. And he is a proven scorer, at one time holding the second-best record for power-play goals and most playoff points for his team. Both areas definitely needed an upgrade for the Stars.

As an added bonus, Chambers is yet another in the long list of Stars acquisitions that have their names engraved on the Cup. So, pardon us if we don't shed a tear when it comes time to remember that it was Grant Ledyard that was shipped off to the Canucks (busy buggers, weren't they?) to make room for Chambers.

Ledyard has great foot speed, and is a sound player, but his tripping act in the dying seconds of Game Seven vs. Edmonton last year left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. See ya, Leds. Good luck.

Worst of Times

A sad day came when it was announced that Neal Broten would not be offered another contract by the Stars. Neal was brought back during the February grind last year when the team needed a spark to carry them through the home stretch and into the playoffs.

Number Seven lived up to the billing by further gelling the team together. During February, Broten played in nine games. The Stars posted a 7-2-0 record in those nine games. Broten scored five goals and five assists in those nine games, while going +5. The highlight was a two-point night where Broten bagged the game winning goal in overtime against Los Angeles.

At that time, there was a fantastic moment of closure. It isn't often a hero gets a chance to return and once again become a hero. It happened for the Stars, and for Neal Broten. Neal still holds the all-time records for points (867), assists (593), and games played (992) for the Stars. (Thanks to Kurt Daniels, with the Stars' front office, for the stats)

As it stands, Broten was still holding out for some kind of interest and any kind of contract. It was reported that Broten was offered a tryout for the Canucks, but declined because no contract offer came with it. It doesn't look like any other offers are coming. Come on, guys. Pick him up. He can still add to any team.

In keeping with the general doom and gloom theme here, the Stars were not spared from the current plague of holdouts by free agents in the league (don't EVEN get me started!).

Mike Modano gave everyone a good scare by holding out right up until the last pre-season game. Modano's agent was really goosing all the attention he could get out of it by stating that the Stars were using "terrorist tactics" to trick his client into a sham.

Boy, what a rip! Modano was offered over 3+ million per, making him the highest-paid player on the team. The only catch was, it was a take it or leave it deal -- sign it or it will go.

Despite all the public posturing, it was pretty easy to see that Dallas really wanted to keep Modano on the team, and Modano was equally as interested in staying with the winner he helped build. In the end, both sides won when they met in the middle. See how easy that can be, boys?

Now, why can't they just do the same and sign Derian Hatcher. Oh, yes. There were two holdouts this year. Derian Hatcher, the Stars' captain and el primero defenseman, is also holding out.

You don't think the NHLPA was behind this, two players from each team holding out, do you? Nah -- that couldn't happen.

Anyway, Big Derian is still not in a Stars uniform. Last word was he and the team were a scant $200K apart in negotiations. Until the deal gets done, Hatcher has reportedly been working out with the Sarnia Sting in Michigan.

You want more bad news? We got it for you. Both Shawn Chambers and Sergei Zubov are out with differing hand injuries. So, now do you not only lose your number-one man, in terms of minutes-played (Hatcher), you also lose two of your best, and most-mobile defensemen in the bargain with Chambers and Zubov.

Oh yes, that'll suck.

But, getting back to some better news- Dallas did post the best record in the Central Division during the pre-season. The Stars earned a 5-1-2 record, going 2-0-2 on the road.

During that time, Joe Nieuwendyk went on a tear. Nieuwendyk earned 10 points, which was good enough for a league-leading tie for first in points scored. Joe scored a point in each game he played, and led the team with a +7 pre-season rating. He was one of the leaders in goals scored (5), and one of the best in shooting percentage.

For his efforts, Joe was named as one of the rotating captains of the team. At least, until Derian Hatcher re-joins Dallas.

Coach Ken Hitchcock dropped a few jaws to the floor when he named Sergei Zubov as the first acting captain of the team during the Pre-season. It was said that Zubov stood there for awhile dumbfounded before the nomination sunk in. (I would have loved to have seen that look! The guy is nuts, I tell ya, NUTS! But, he is a great player. Oh YES, he IS a great player.)

Zubov earned his nomination by leading the team in assists (6) during the pre-season, and by posting a three-assist night against Tampa Bay. Zubie has definitely come to play this year. Look for him to make a much bigger mark this time 'round. This, of course, depends on just how badly he hurt his hand against St. Louis on Oct. 4.

Hitchcock also named Mike Modano and Craig Ludwig alternates, and all four will have a 10-game rotation wearing the "C", or until the Hatcher situation gets resolved.

In the meantime, the Stars added some more size and strength to the hurting defensive corps by signing veteran "D" Craig Muni to a one-year contract. Muni should be able to add back some of the bang to the Stars' game, which has been sorely missing without Hatcher in the lineup.

Not to take credit away from the usual corps such as Matvichuk and Ludwig. Mattie and Luds have been doing the best they can to keep the league's weasels at bay. It is obvious though, that Derian's size, strength, and total commitment to the team cannot be easily replaced.

Even though the defense is hurting, and the chemistry of the offense has been changed by the Modano holdout, the Stars still had a pretty decent first two regular-season games. But with a 0-1-2 record, Dallas will not have as quite a spectacular start as last year's 6-0 tear to break the ice (so to speak).

On October 1, in Colorado, the Mighty Avs and the Stars nullified each other, and skated away with a 2-2 tie. Both teams appeared to be feeling each other out, playing very tentatively, much like it was still the pre-season. But, to both teams' credit, it seemed like either one was still very dangerous.

Ed Belfour and Patrick Roy held yet another classic duel between two of the best shutout masters of all time. Both men came away victorious. This game served as notice to all in the league that were watching: Great teams will win only when backstopped by great goaltenders. The Avs and the Stars are starting two of the best- ever to hold the position. It was an indication of the (possibly) great things to come in late April.

For the home-opener in Dallas on October 4, the Stars organization was eager to put their best foot forward by holding a pre-game 3-D laser extravaganza and banner-raising ceremony. The Central Division Championship banner was raised after all four captains (Nieuwendyk, Modano, Zubov, and Ludwig) removed the white sheet covering the banner. Boy, that Star Wars fanfare music was, like, cool or sumpin'!

Unfortunately for Dallas, the Blues were still fresh from a 7-2 thumping of the Coyotes just two nights prior. St. Louis came out with much more energy and quickness in their step.

The Stars appeared to be just reacting to the Blues, and weren't initiating any play of their own. Hully and Big Mac (Brett Hull and Al MacInnis to you newbies) each had two-goal nights the previous game, but both were held goal-less by the Stars. Only Brett Hull got on the score sheet with an assist (on the game- winner). MacInnis was on the score sheet, but only after getting penalized for tripping Modano on a rush.

Anyhoo, Belfour let in a (sort of a) softie after an initial stop deflected out of his glove, and over his shoulder, landing unabated behind him in the goal. So Joe Nieuwendyk's sweet first goal, the only one of the game for Dallas, wasn't enough.

The Blues left Reunion Arena two points richer, but one man poorer. Pierre Turgeon suffered a fractured hand, and will be out a few weeks.

And Dallas was left standing around, trying to figure out where in the hell the two points they were supposed to pick up had gone.

Since Modano's holdout lasted until the very end of the pre-season, Hitchcock more or less said he coached the team with the absence of both MoDo and Hatch as a permanent situation. He had to plan for the contingency that neither one would return.

To carry out this plan, Hitch formed a new first line of Adams- Nieuwendyk-Verbeek. This line has shown great promise, and Nieuwendyk has expressed his interest in keeping a good thing going. Why not?

After Modano returned, he became part of the (essentially) second line of Lind-Modano-Lehtinen. Lehtinen has been the greatest thing to happen to Modano since Greg Adams came around.

Conversely, Juha Lind, a fellow Finnish player, has been the greatest thing for Lehtinen. Both Fins have been getting along great, and Jere must be excited to be able to yell out in his native tongue to one of his linemates. Modano is stuck in the middle just trying to stay out of their way, much less figure out just what in the hell they are saying to each other!

"Very dynamic." Modano was quoted, when asked what he thought of his two wingers.

So, both primary front lines show plenty of promise. They will need help from the back end to fulfill the promise. It was obvious that even though Dan Keczmer (a veteran of the K-Wings), and Sergey Gusev (a young, promising defender) were both playing well, neither was up to speed when it came time to keeping the gap between the forwards and the defense on the rushes.

It was completely obvious against St. Louis that neither one could sustain effective puck movement, outlets to the forwards, or enough smart decisions with the puck to keep any offensive momentum.

Instead, it turned into a chop-fest in the neutral zone. And, it just got plain ugly at the Blues' blue line. St. Louis seemed to nullify every Dallas rush, while the Stars were too reactive, and nowhere near enough proactive. The defense couldn't play with enough physical presence to keep St. Louis from showing them a total lack of respect. It was getting really ugly out there.

The Stars' forwards played the usual "we couldn't cash in on our many great scoring chances" song. Boy, that sounds sooooooooooooo familiar.

The Stars are in great shape overall. But the time has come to start earning points. They are already in 10th place in the conference, and will start falling fast without a few wins.

Dallas will try to live up to the high expectations of last year by having another strong regular season, capped by a better postseason. They get their next chance on October 7, in Buffalo.

Quick Notes

* The home fans have shown the most support in recent memory. The crowd was very loud and vocal during the home-opener. The fans also showed their savvy by loudly cheering Modano, after he registered his first shot on net, for the first time this season, since the holdout. They were very glad to have him back.

* The Dallas fans also gave Eddie the Eagle his props by wildly cheering his first few big saves, followed by a thunderous "EDDIE! EDDIE!" chant. It's clear that Dallas hockey fans love Ed Belfour. He appeared really boosted by the warm welcome. WE LOVE YOU, MAN!

* The fans will finally get a chance to watch hockey in a better barn within the next decade. Dallas city officials reached an agreement with the NBA Dallas Mavericks and the Stars to build a new arena mega-plex, complete with luxury boxes and local shopping, etc.-- after years of negotiations. Its now up to the Dallas taxpayers to either accept or s-can the idea. More on this story soon.

Until 'den -- peace, out.


Juha Lind/Mike Modano/Jere Lehtinen
Greg Adams/Joe Nieuwendyk/Pat Verbeek
Dave Reid/Guy Carbonneau/Todd Harvey
Benoit Hogue/Bob Bassen/Jamie Langenbrunner

Darryl Sydor/Sergei Zubov
Craig Ludwig/Richard Matvichuk
Sergey Gusev/Dan Keczmer

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